​Start being Agile in Human Resources!

Human Resources Academy 
Agile HR Practitioner

It’s clear that in a world of work defined by VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), the need to adapt fast is imperative. 

HR faces this same reality of solving problems faster by modernizing and digitizing the function. In other words, HR needs to urgently adopt an agile approach to transform the world of work.

With this course you're able to understand the paradigm of the new world of work and experience agile and gain skills and toolbox for a successful transformation.

Trainer: Fabiola Eyholzer

 14 to 15 November 2023

 09:00 - 17:00


I want to know more about the Agile HR Practitioner course

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4 Major benefits of being an Agile HR Practitioner

Enhanced Employee Engagement

Emphasize employee empowerment and involvement in decision-making processes

Efficiency and Productivity

Streamline processes and reduce unnecessary administrative overhead, eliminating bureaucratic procedures and focusing on value-added activities

Adaptability and Flexibility

Quickly adapt to changing business needs, respond to shifts in the workforce, and market dynamics.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

Incorporate data analytics and metrics to make data-driven decisions and improve practices and align HR strategies with your business objectives

Who is this course for?

This course is directed, but not exclusive to:

  • Executives and Leaders, CHROs and VPs;
  • HR Managers and Directors;
  • HR Business Partners, HR Champions;
  • HR Generalists and HR Specialists;
  • HR Consultants and HR Experts;
  • HR Transformation Managers and Consultants;
  • Agile HR Leads;
  • HR Scrum Masters, HR Product Owners;
  • SHRM-CP, SHRM-SCP Professionals. 

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three men sitting while using laptops and watching man beside whiteboard
woman sitting at table

Benefits of taking this course

    • Appreciate the Agile HR Manifesto and Principles
    • Comprehend Lean-Agile People Operations and the new role of HR;
    • Recognize the importance and impact of Lean-Agile for HR
    • Gain insights from practical examples, best practices, and case studies;
    • Understand the challenges and drawbacks of traditional HR in modern organizations;
    • Be able to challenge your current people approach and apply a Lean-Agile mindset;
    • Develop ability to set up HR for success and deliver value for the agile enterprise;

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Facts about this course

The Agile HR Practitioner course emphasizes practical application and interaction. Participants engage in hands-on exercises, analyze case studies, and collaborate in group discussions to directly implement agile principles in HR practices, ensuring they can readily apply these skills in their workplace.


Learn how to be more responsive and adaptable to change: By learning Agile principles and practices, you'll be able to quickly and effectively respond to changes in your business environment, employee needs, and the market.


You'll develop a more human-centered approach to HR. Agile HR is all about putting people first. You'll learn how to design and deliver HR programs and services that are responsive to the needs of your employees and support their success.


You'll learn how to deliver more value to your business. Deliver effective results. By learning how to apply Agile principles and practices to your HR work, you'll be able to deliver more value to your business by improving employee productivity, engagement, and retention.

  • Understand the paradigm of the new world of work and experience agile
  • Appreciate the Agile HR Manifesto and Principles
  • Comprehend Lean-Agile People Operations and the new role of HR
  • Recognize the importance and impact of Lean-Agile for HR
  • Gain insights from practical examples, best practices, and case studies
  • Understand the challenges and drawbacks of traditional HR in modern organizations
  • Be able to challenge your current people approach and apply a Lean-Agile mindset
  • Develop ability to set up HR for success and deliver value for the agile enterprise
  • Gain skills and toolbox for a successful transformation

Attendees will receive the Certification Credential:

  • SHRM Professional Development Credits

This program is valid for 16 Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP designations.

  • PMI Professional Development Units (PDU)
    Attendees may be eligible to apply for PDU towards their continuing education requirements with PMI

  • Access to exclusive Agile Thinkers Academy Digital library
  • Agile Thinkers Academy Slack community
  • Agile Thinkers Academy Certificate of Attendance

Despite having a certificate of completion and Registered Scrum Master credential certificate, there is no exam.

Fabiola Eyholzer, the Co-Founder of Just Leading Solutions, a renowned transformation consultancy for HR Agility, is a pioneer and recognized thought leader in Lean-Agile HR. As seasoned Management Consultant and Executive Advisor, she advises enterprises achieve Business Agility through a modern people approach.