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What is a Wardley Map?

A Wardley Map is a representation of the landscape in which a business operates. It consists of a value chain (activities needed to fulfill user needs) graphed against evolution (how individual activities change over time under supply and demand competition). A Wardley Map represents the situational awareness and shared assumptions being made about a context and hints at what strategic options are available. Wardley Mapping is a tool for strategic intent that supports you in your role as a knower, communicator, and leader. 

To Simon Wardley, the technique’s inventor, strategy can be described using Sun Tzu’s Five Factors: purpose, landscape, climate, doctrine, and leadership. In that model, a wise leader has a moral imperative (a what and a why), grasps the terrain (has a map), anticipates the patterns of the forces acting on the environment, trains the organization in universally useful principles and makes shrewd decisions that lead to victory.

Mapping costs you nothing but your own time & effort. It's all creative commons, share alike.

Simon Wardley

Learning Objectives:

1. Strategy Thinking

1.1 Understand the Strategy Cycle; 

1.2 Learn insights from strategy and the evolution of different concepts;

1.3 Understand the importance of Situational Awareness and understand how to improve it.  

2. The Wardley Mapping Framework

2.1 Understand the concept of Evolution and how systems evolve;

2.2 Understand the key aspects of Genesis, Custom-built, Product (+Rental), and Commodity (+Utility);

2.3 Learn the meaning of maps and how to / tips and tricks map your first Wardley Map

And much more ...






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