Sophie Durand 

Sophie Durand is an experienced professional with over 20 years of expertise in big systems integration, software development, and IT infrastructure management. Having been deeply influenced by the principles of agility in the early 2000s, she transitioned into the role of an agile coach in 2014, aiming to introduce alternative approaches to organizations. Sophie's objective is to help them recognize the potential benefits of adapting to their increasingly complex environment, viewing it as an opportunity for improved performance and innovation, rather than a threat that needs to be navigated conventionally.

Throughout her career, Sophie has actively participated in various traditional sequential RFP/RFQ processes, both as a customer and as a vendor. These experiences have provided her with valuable insights into the challenges of aligning individuals towards a genuine purpose, rather than merely addressing a vast array of requirements while managing risks.

This is precisely where Lean Agile Procurement comes into play. Sophie firmly believes that this approach facilitates alignment, cooperation, and the establishment of fast feedback loops within procurement activities. It presents a remarkable opportunity for organizations to elevate their agility to the next level and unlock its full potential.

As a part of the Goood! team, Sophie and her colleagues take great pride in introducing Lean Agile Procurement to France. They are dedicated to assisting organizations in mastering this methodology and reaping its numerous benefits. Their expertise and support are readily available to those seeking to embrace this transformative approach.

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