How important are good Decision - Making processes?

Every decision is crucial, even the ones that jump from the "usual daily life type". It is essential that decisions be effective and precise, so that the organization can function in a more efficient way. High quality and speedy decision-making can enhance the performance and results of an organization.

Effective decision-making can take a lot of time to master. However, poor decisions consume a lot more resources and time for organizations. This is even more important when everyone from the organization/team influences the outcome of the decision. As Peter Drucker said, "effective executives do not make a great many decisions. They concentrate on what is important". Every person has to have the responsibility and accountability for their decisions. Therefore, a good decision making process, well known by everyone, is half the way to making great decisions.

For providing guidance on these decisions, the role of the facilitator emerges as a person that enables and makes decisions happen. Facilitative behaviors and skills are essential for anyone who wants to work collaboratively in groups and organizations today. Facilitative skills honor, enhance, and focus the wisdom and knowledge that lie dormant in most groups. These skills are essential to healthy organizations, esprit de corps, fair and lasting agreements, and the ability to easily implement actions and plans.

Learning Objectives:

1. The Art of Facilitation 

1.1 Understand the meaning and main tasks of a facilitator; 

1.2 Understand the most important skills needed from a great facilitator;  

1.3 Learn more about the evolution of the concept and the role of the facilitator through the years;

1.4 Understand the objectives of the facilitator role in a team and an organization; 

2. The Types of Thinking

2.1  Understand how different points of view are connected;

2.2 Understand how facilitation skills can improve and bring guidance to teams in these stages;

2.3 Learn about the Group Dynamics that are created around decisions

2.4 Learn different techniques and facilitation frameworks that can provide your teams with guidance and clearence when making decisions.

And much more ...






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